Henry Bagg and Sarah Stedman (Hazen) Smith & Family | Ancestry and Descendants of Rev. Henry Bagg Smith
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As there is no publication information provided with this pamphlet, I assume that it was published by The Bee. The last date in the regular section is Nov. 12, 1905. The last date in the Supplement is December 17, 1929

With the possible exception of the first generation, I believe this genealogy to be mostly accurate.



Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev

Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-1Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-2

Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-3

Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-4Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-5Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-6Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-7Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-8Ancestry and Dexcendants of Rev-9